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The Sound of Silence
How You Can Soundproof Your Home


Before you make a decision, Alan Fierstein, President of Acoustilog, Inc., an acoustics engineering company,has these words of caution:

"Make sure your contractor does a complete analysis using a sound meter of the space you'd like to soundproof. And make sure he explains eveything to you in advance".

Don't bother...

Placing absorbing materials such as Sonex, foam or egg crates in a room to "soak up the sound" does not work says [David] Kahn. What these measures do is change the character of the sound within the room by stopping the sound from bouncing around the room; the room will be less echo-ey". The sound may be easier to tolerate, but the decibel level will be the same and the sound waves will still travel at the same intensity.

Acoustilog, Inc.: Gyms, Fitness Studios and Dance Studios

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